Monthly Archives: October 2011

CD presentation Dim Kesber

Dé reikt het eerste exemplaar uit aan DimToday before playing I was a bit sceptical: with all busy schedules we didn’t get to rehearse till the afternoon itself. But the concert was one big adventure. In a good way. Everyone played with their ears wide open and with a hard driving swing. Party!

As soon as I know how it works I shall post the new cd (and Chris Peeters’) on my discography section.

Three Triplicate gigs in a row

Such a joy! Three weeks in a row playing with Triplicate is really getting us somewhere. I truly had a blast yesterday with Bob, Johnny and Eric in Dordrecht. A wonderful audience and crew, too!

From the Triplicate concert last week, which  was almost just as exciting, I just found a little review from a very enthousiastic listener.Triplicate HeemstedeIn between those gigs there was also the concert of the New Generation Big Band plus Anton Goudsmit at Pulchri Studios, The Hague. Some hip cat that Anton is! Really a pleasure to play with. It was pretty hard to play in a loud sounding room such as Pulchri. Nonetheless I think we did a good job.

October: a good beginning…

Such a wonderful start of the month! Weather as if it were summer and a nice weekend indeed. Starting with the broadcast Saturday morning on radio6 logo radio6, in which I got to tell a bit about myself and my coming projects. Listen to the stream (in dutch) at it starts at about 2h38m40s. What do you think: Maybe that’s why it was so crowded at the Jazz at the Hop festival that night in Hoorn? :)

dressing room door

Whatever the case: I had a blast with Bob Wijnen, Johnny Daly and Joost van Schaik. And such nice festival crew! Plus: I love it when I have my name written on my dressing room door :)

Sunday all Cuban musicians gathered in Amsterdam to celebrate for Jesus Hernandez’ 50th birthday. Jamming till late with great musicians. Wow!

Now for some nice gigs next month: some gigs with Triplicate, a very nice gig with the New Generation Big Band + Anton Goudsmit, CD presentation with Dim Kesber, guest appearance with Heleen Schuttevaer, little gig with Ellister 3 and a small tour with Rein de Graaff trio + Sam Most. Did I leave out something? I probably did… But wow what a month this is going to be, I’m very happy!