
Crowdfunding RED album NOLA has started!

RED is releasing a new album coming November. And we are thrilled that it will be more than an audio release alone: Quirine Reijman made an illustration for every track so it will become a book-album!

The album is called NOLA as it is inspired by the music of New Orleans. Last November Bob Wijnen and me paid a visit to this city where all jazz related music originates and the experiences there truly changed our view on music.

Normally we would be able to play many concerts to support the costs of the production. This year everything is different. That’s why we launched a crowdfunding on Voordekunst. Your support would be highly appreciated!


Modji crowdfunding

Have you met Modji yet? No? I think you will like it, and I think this will be a hit on all festivals!

Soon we’ll release our first album (on vinyl!): Epifania. Produced by Stefan Schmid and with all originals by Yannick van ter Beek and Ramon Mendeville. Although the Sena was kind enough to help out a bit with the financing we are still short of a bit money for the recording. This is your chance to participate! Go to the crowdfunding page of Voordekunst to read the whole story.



One of my favourite projects at this moment is RED, the organ quartet I started some time ago with Bob Wijnen. I’m so proud of the material we have so far!

If you like what you see en/or hear, please feel invited to subscribe to our YouTube Channel, buy our CD “Ahooo!” through our site or via iTunes and stream us through Spotify.


Smalls NYC release party

I can’t wait to play with Jeremy, Jos and Matthias again!

Just a bit more than two weeks from now we’ll be hitting the North Sea Jazz Festival. I’m really excited! It’ll be a good crowd, since that very Saturday has been sold out for weeks already. Too bad for those who didn’t manage to buy their tickets on time. But I have good news for you: before we do that, we’ll play an extra show in The Hague with the same band to officially celebrate the release.

Extra concert

July 10th 2014 | 8.30pm | Bloom | Koninginnegracht 28 | Den Haag

There’ll be good quality wines, special beers, little snacks and of course a beautiful grand piano to make sure the music sounds to it’s best.

  • Ellister van der Molen – trumpet and flugelhorn
  • Jeremy Manasia – piano
  • Jos Machtel – bass
  • Matthias De Waele – drums

The amount of seats is limited, so I do advise to buy your tickets in advance.
Hope to see you there!

Radio interview Mijke & Co Live

Radio6 logoLast Friday I was at the Radio6 studio to promote my new CD “Smalls NYC” that I’ll be launching next month. I felt very happy because the radio presenter Co de Kloet – who is actually a well known producer – knows a lot about music. This made the conversation very interesting. Of course we played quite some tracks from the CD, but Co by surprised me by playing an old recording of the KC bigband directed by Bob Florence (May 20, 1932 – May 15, 2008). To prove to the listeners that this year won’t be my first performance at the North Sea Jazz Festival, he and his team had found a radio broadcast from 1997 where I play a trumpet solo on “Laura”. I can’t believe it’s that long ago!

The interview (in dutch) is approximately an hour and starts around the 34th minute.

radio6 interview

Crowdfunding in the Press

Dutch jazz journalist Bert Jansma always writes nice columns about the The Hague jazzscene. This time he devoted a major part to crowdfunding, taking my project Smalls NYC as an example. The article – which is written in dutch – also highlights some recent moves in my carreer such as Java Jazz, the Youtube film with Gerard Gibbs (organ), Pete Thornton (percussion) and James Carter (sax) and recent as well as coming concerts in Holland.

To help crowdfund the project, please go to my page on Voordekunst.

article about crowdfunding in Den Haag Centraal

Den Haag Centraal 20-04-2012

Ellister in the press

Recently two new articles were published about me.

Screenshot of the Radio6 Jong webpage

Screenshot of the page

First of all Jazz Jong wrote about my Smalls NYC project on their website. Very cool!



Even more cool: Coen de Jonge interviewed me for the latest edition of the Jazz Bulletin. Three pages that’s serious business I would say! Click the interview for a readable version.

interview in Jazz Bulletin

Coen de Jonge interview with Ellister



Triplicate Album Release Party “Call of the Wild”

November 28 7:30pm – ISS, The Hague

Triplicate’s got a very good reason to celebrate! A new group sound and repertoire consisting of more originals led us to the new album “Call of the Wild”, which will be released on November 28. This album is only for sale online, or on a unique Triplicate usb-stick which you can buy directly from us.
logo call of the wild
Of course a party like this isn’t complete without a nice concert, and the International Institute for Social Studies (ISS) is willing to support us with their facilities. Doors open at 7:30pm, and the entrance fee is €10, in which a festive welcome drink and a Triplicate surprise pack are included.

We hope to see you all on this beautiful night! – ISS – Kortenaerkade 12 – The Hague – Entrance fee: €10,-

bandfoto Triplicate

picture by Piet Gispen

CD presentation Dim Kesber

Dé reikt het eerste exemplaar uit aan DimToday before playing I was a bit sceptical: with all busy schedules we didn’t get to rehearse till the afternoon itself. But the concert was one big adventure. In a good way. Everyone played with their ears wide open and with a hard driving swing. Party!

As soon as I know how it works I shall post the new cd (and Chris Peeters’) on my discography section.

Another Triplicate cd review

A nice review by Rakendra Smit, in the dutch magazine Muziekwereld

Op deze cd horen we drie jonge jazzcats Ellister van der Molen (trompet en flugelhorn), Bob Wijnen (piano) en Johnny Daly (contrabas) samen met oudgediende drummer Eric Ineke. Dit gezelschap zoekt geen nieuwe wegen en volgt geen trends. Ze spelen standards en een aantal mooie composities van trompettiste Ellister van der Molen. Het is traditionele jazz uitgevoerd met vakmanschap en enthousiasme. Virtuositeit wordt gekoppeld aan subtiliteit waarbij alles in dienst staat van het groepsgeluid. Alles vol gevoel en doordacht. Opvallend in het geluid van dit kwartet is het gebruik van de flugelhorn, het zachte klank-karakter van dit instrument wordt door Ellister van der Molen op imponerende wijze ingezet bij unisono spel met de piano in snelle abstracte bopthema’s.

Met deze debuut-cd levert Triplicate, zoals ze het zelf zeggen, een rijke hommage af aan het grote verhaal van de jazz en wat jazz nog steeds kan zijn.